Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Besut district history in Terengganu

A story about original Besut's origin of name is base story ostensibly this area formerly am being governed by a ruler called by RAJA SANG NYANYA. Him was iniquitous pirate chief and this resulted no lots of people who live in this area. After his death new this area am being inhabited person and either people gathering comprise from the people PANGAN. Their group headed by a person whose named BESUT so are believed name BESUT are derived from the name people head pangan stated.All story that link vernacular name history this indeed unable to be proved because there was no evidence written one. Earliest evidence touch over this area only a few like MUNSYI ABDULLAH's record in PELAYAN ABDULLAH KE KELANTAN from the book TUHFATUL NAFIS King essay Ali Haji.In this record have tell about a bunch of trader from PATTANI ( South Siamese ) had come to BESUT with headed by a person whose named CIK LATIF. Is believed Ms fine originally from SUMATERA and was natural trading in PATTANI. With offer SEGANTANG MATA KAIL reputed Ms fine successfully persuade persons Pangan exits from this region to Hulu Besut. He and his persons have succeeded to build a perkampongan cliff SUNGAI BESUT code-named PALEMBANG may take in conjunction with the name name his provenance in Sumatra. Palembang make maiden administrative centre in BESUT before KG. KING.When Ms fine die, he replace by his child named CIK KAMAT. During stay Ms Kamat Daerah Besut state dalama disorder because threat from robber pirate tyrannize on the islands stay hereabouts this local press. In the book PELAYARAN ABDULLAH KE KELANTAN's voyage, Abdullah Munsyi is tell pirates activity in this area. Reputed these pirates headed by PANGLIMA EBEH and PANGLIMA GARANG.To confront pirates threat this, powerless CIK KAMAT to oppose him and he had decided seeking help from TERENGGANU. His application agreed by Terengganu Sultan when namely SULTAN MANSUR 1, which is known as MARHUM BERJANGGUT. He governs Terengganu from 1726-1793. Mansur's king 1 had sent army which is headed by Putera Baginda namely Tengku Kadir.Tengku Kadir and military under his leadership succeed beat stated pirates and force stated pirates retreating to PULAU PERHENTIAN.As appreciation above his success beat that pirates, Tengku Kadir were authorised by Terengganu Sultan to rule Besut. Cik Kamat also appoint as ORANG BESAR BESUT and get right on Pulau Rhu.

A 123483

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