Sunday, October 5, 2008

To the people who stay up all night long three-point proposal

First of all, the increase in nutrition is the key. Some eat more nutritious foods such as milk, eggs, lean meat, bean products, and so on, eat delicious light, valuables food supplement containing vitamin A-rich foods, such as animal liver, egg yolk, such as roe; eat Some fresh fruit or fruit juice. Under the guidance of a doctor in the appropriate use of some of the complex is also good for vitamin supplements.

Second, the key to make up for sleep. Love people who stay up all night often make up sleep during the day, especially for those who have, especially for people who work night shifts. But sleep during the day and often are subject to sunlight, such as noise, increase the sense of Shirenpilao or even decline in appetite, anxiety, irritability. As a result, should pay close attention to stay up all night after the rest day and night not to Lianzhou Zhuan. Even if the spirit of full again, should also be added in time of sleep. After lunch the proposed arrangements for the lunch break will help to restore physical strength.

Third, the essential training. If you stay up all night, when energy is of no use or drowsy, the best time to rest, just not to relinquish its hard-bound; If you need to work because of other reasons can not rest, do not rely on coffee, cigarettes and strong tea to stimulate stay sober, because caffeine can stimulate the secretion of the brain Excitatory material, easily lead to insomnia, but also so that the increased blood lipid concentrations, cardiovascular health hazards. The best spot to do simple activities, such as Man Buzou place, shadow boxing, kneading temple, or bending to do, kick, to activities such as neck and limbs, head and neck of gymnastics.

I think many of us will stay up all night long after we enter university because have many activities to take part and doing a revision or assigment.I have slept at 3 or 4 am 2 weeks ago because my college pesta tanglung meeting and others.

So it is very important to get a good spirit.I hope you all can take care about this three suggestion when you all stay up night long because final examination near in the corner.

Finally,I hope we all can doing a enough preparation to face this final exam.Do not overlook our healthy beside study..Remember...

Mr J

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