Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thin Man was the easiest of the six major diseases

We all know that overweight and obesity will harm human health, but you know what? The body is too thin adverse health!

1, anemia:

Are wasting too prevalent nutritional imbalance in the intake of iron, folic acid, vitamin B12 intake of substances such as blood shortage. There are many benefits of tea, health significantly.

But doctors pointed out: too much to drink tea in particular

Is a strong tea will be the loss of iron in the body, causing anemia ... ...>>> too much to drink tea with care anemia

2, duodenal stasis:

Too thin, mesenteric and retroperitoneal its few fat, visceral ptosis, with the result that oppressed duodenum. Difficult to digest food, do not show abdominal fullness, or pain accompanied by vomiting after meals.

3, memory decline:
The thinner the body fat intake and insufficient storage capacity, lack of nutrients the body so that severe damage to brain cells has a direct impact on memory.

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, Thin Man deficiency is more physical and sexual heat, the so-called "multi-fire Thin Man" refers to the virtual fire. This type of person usually Yangan often, bitter mouth, eyes bloodshot, top-heavy, irritability irritability, eating hot peppers will not only add to the above-mentioned symptoms, but also lead to easy bleeding, inflammation and allergies, but also serious when it occurs sore carbuncle Infection, and so on.

4, gastroptosis:

Too much human suffering from weight loss, abdominal wall to relax the body, muscle weakness, often lead to gastroptosis. Beware of weight loss by gastroptosis out!

5, gallstones:

Too thin and the general lack of caloric intake and body tissues to speed up the consumption of fat, cholesterol also moved its lead in the bile in the content, so long stone formation.

6, osteoporosis:
Lean over the level of estrogen in the body female insufficient impact on calcium and bone, prone to osteoporosis and fracture.

So too thin is not means that you will not get diseases like overweight people.We should keep our lifestyle and doing execise to protect our healthy.I hope we all will keep away from diseases .Healthy is expensive than money.If we not have a good healthy,too much money that we earning just like nothing.

Mr J

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