Saturday, October 11, 2008

Knowledge Management Enarble

Historically, there have been a number of technologies "enabling"or facilitating knowledge management practice in the organization, including expert systems. Knowledge bases, various types of Information Management, software help desk tools, document management systems and other IT system supporting organizational knowledge flows.

The advent of the internet brought in further enabling technologie, including e-learning, web conferencing, collaborative software, content management systems, corporate "yellow pages"directories, email list,wikis, blogs and other technologies. Each enabling technology can expand the level of inquiry available to employee, while providing a platform to achieve specific goals or actions.The practice of KM will continue to evole with the growth of collaboration aplications, visual tools and other technologies. Sience its adoption by the mainstream population and business community, the internet has led to an increase in creative collaboration, learning and reaches, e-commerce, and instant information.

Wan Fadilah

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