Thursday, September 11, 2008

What is the most impotant foods and drinks in Malaysia's culture

The most important food in Malaysia is rojak. It is really a part of Malaysia culture. In fact, rojak can divide to different part ,it is because which have different ingredient and style in Malaysia. Normally, the rojak were ate is mix with different fruits. In addition, as I know that, the most traditional eating style of rojak is mix with fruits. People usually can buy it in anywhere and can eat it in anytime. They eat the rojak with black sauce, the view of the black sauce is not nice, but the taste of sauce is sweet and quite good. This delicious food also attracted a lot of foreignism come to our country and just for the food of rojak.

The most important drink in Malaysia is fruit juice. In fact, the climates of Malaysia is most suitable to plant many types of fruits. Moreover, fruits can increase our income through export to other countries. Normally, people have it in summer’s season, it is because drinking fruit juice can help them to decrease their heat. In addition, people also can use fruit machine to make it their own without buying from outside. So that, it is easy and convenient for us to do that.

JieSheng A123843

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