Saturday, September 13, 2008



Location:Pacific Ocean,120km(74.6mi)off the coast of mainland China

Climate:Marine tropical

Population:Approx 23 million

Famous for:Ethnic groups

History:Taiwanese aborigines(4000 years ago)

Things to see:National Palace Museum

Taiwan,which is one of the famous cities in Asia,lies on the Pacific Ocean,120km off the coast of mainland China.The Northern part of the island has a rainy season that lasts from January to late March during the south west monsoon.Natural hazards such as typhoons and earthquakes are common in the region.The city has a population of approx 23 million.Taiwan is famous for its ethnic groups.About 98% of the population is of Han Chinese ethnic city.The other 2% are listed as the Taiwanese aborigines,divided into 13 major groups:Ami, Atayal,Paiwan,Bunun,Rukai,Puyuma,Tsou,Saisiyat,Tao(Yami),Thao,Kavalan,Truku & Sakizaya.The history of Taiwan is ancestors of current Taiwanese aborigines settled in Taiwan about 4000 years ago.These aborigines are genetically related to Malay and Polynesians.Polynesians are suspected to have ancestry traceable back to Taiwan.There are many sights to see in Taiwan,including the National Palace Museum,which houses more than 650000 pieces of Chinese bronze,jade,calligraphy,painting and porcelain.

Tan Shu Yin A123594

1 comment:

Voyage2014 said...

Why you no upload taiwan photos oh??

Can let us see the Taiwan beauties places ,food and drink ma..

Other times please put.If don't know how to upload , ask me I will help you..

Mr J A121928