Sunday, October 12, 2008


Thechnology has an important role in sport, whether applied to an athlete's health, the athlete's technique, or equipment's characteristics.

Equipment ; As sport has grown more competitive, the need for better equpment has arisen.Golf clubs, football helmets, baseball bats, soccer balls, hockey skates and other equipment have all seen considerable changes when new technologies has been applied.

Instruction ; Advancing technology created new opportunities for research into sport.It is now possible to analyse aspects of sports that were previously out of the reach of comperension. Being able to use motion capture an athlete's movement, or advanced computer simulations to model physical scenarios has greatly increased an athlete's ability to understand what they are doing and how they can improve themselve.

Health ; Ranging from nutrition to the treatment of injuries, as the knowledge of the human body has deepened over time, an athlete's potential has been increase has increased. Athletes are now able to play to an older age, recover more quickly from injuries and train more effectively than previous generations of athletes.

Wan Fadilah

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