Saturday, October 4, 2008

Studying in a group is better than self-study

Studying in a group of three or four students is an effective way of studying.Many student who practice group study have succeeded in their examinations.That is why i believe we shuuld study in a group rather than study individually.
It is always easier to understand things if we study in a group.This is because each member of the group has different information.During a discussion,ideas and informations are exchanged.This exchange process facilitates our undrestanding og a topic.Thus,we are able to grasp the facts better.
Studying alone can be very boring.We get tired of siting and looking at a book all the time.On the other hand,a group study is more intresting because we can ask questions and dicuss the answers.If we don't understand anything,we have someone else there to help explain it to us instead of strunggling along on our own.
There is also greater competition if we study in a group.No one in a group wants to fare badly or to be seen as not having understood their discussions.To avoid these, every member of the group strives hander to achieve better results.
From the above points, i believe that group study is better than seif-study.However,we must ensure that the members in the group are really intrested in studying,prepared to work hard and cooperate with the others.


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