Sunday, October 19, 2008

Project for Pesta Convo

The things that we can do's and dont's for water management. Through the research in convo, our group had found that many seller use the large pans to cook whether the foods are small or big quantities. If we are an environmentalist, we should not do like that. It is because large pans require more cooking water than may be necessary. So, we should select the proper size pans for cooking. If we use large pans to cook, we need to use a lot of water to clean it.
Next is, we must cook food in as little as possible. In convo, some cookers, for example, they cook mee goreng basah, they put a lot of water. Later, they found that the soup is too much. So, they pour the less into the drain or sink. So, it is wasteful.
Besides that, we also can collect the water that use for rinsing produce and reuse it. For dont's, after they washed the dishes, they pour the water way. To save water, they should collect it to watering the flower, wash drain or others.
To save water, we must close up the tap when already full in pail. In convo, we found that some people washed their dishes in pail, but they let the water overflow. So we must not let the water flow while rinsing.
The last is we can use the washing water to wash the toilet. Normally, we almost washing the toilet with running tap. That is wrong and that is also wasted. So, we must use the washing water to wash it, not the running tap.

Chan Siew Ching

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