Monday, October 13, 2008

my first voyage.....

hello....i'm so sorry because post my blog so late.. this is because i have a problem to log in. so.first and foremost, my name is mazne binti aznan. i'm from malacca. i'm stpm's student. actually, i was born at hospital kota belud sabah. then, my family and i transfer to singapore fo a while. after that, my father make a decision to build our family home in malacca. that's why i'm stay in malacca now. i take foundation in ukm because i only get band 2 for my muet. i'm so frustrated because only 1 mark to get band 3. in foundation, i'm very enjoy because i can learn in many skills. i have many weakness in my skills like writing, speaking. so, in this foundation i can enhance my skills. i'm very like to join for disscussin in group because i like to involve in team work. in foundation,my lecturer always teach how to enhance english skills. i hope i can use in my daily routine. that's all for my introduction about my self. thank you..

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