Friday, October 3, 2008

I;m sure the word ‘stress’ is a word that is very familiar to us.Stress is caused by the feeling of worry or pressure about some problem in life.Like us,stress of competition among our friends.The high expectations that our family put on us too can amount to stress.So,it is important that we find ways to cope with it to reduce the level of stress.Exercise can keep our body healthy.We should have half-an-hour break every 2 hours of our study time.During this break,we can go for walks,jogging or play sports to keep our mind healthy.It is also essential that we eat a balanced diet.We must eat enough meals everyday.Don’t skip meals.Don’t cut down sleeping hours to study late into the night.Avoid last minute studying.The next important thing is to have a good study skill and technique.Join group discussions so that we can share ideas and thoughts.Listening to music also helpful for us.I hope these tips will be beneficial to you.GAMBATEH!!!


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