Saturday, October 4, 2008

How To Study Well
1. Look for an undisturbed place, free of people and transit noise. These things will favor your concentration.
2. Avoid listening to music while you study. Otherwise, your attention may focus on what is more interesting -- in this case, the music.
3. Make a deal with your friends to not call you while you are studying. Turn off your cell phone.
4. Don't study in bed. You may fall asleep, and I bet you can't study while you are sleeping.
5. Start with doing your reading from the beginning to the end. Don't stop to read details.
6. Read it again, but this time separating the most important ideas of each paragraph. Search for the meaning of unknown words.
7. Summarize what you have read, using shorts and objectives phrases.
8. Ask yourself: what does this mean? What does that mean? If you don't know, study it again, and only stop it when you know everything that was initially a mystery to you.
9. Study for an hour and half, with intervals of 10 minutes. Try to relax or eat a snack during these intervals; relaxing helps you to retain the information during your studying.
10. Physical exercise is important. The dose most recommend is 3 hours a week. Physical exercise is a good way to improve your productivity and overall welfare.
11. If you want to sleep, don't study. If you're sleepy, you won't learn half as much as when you're rested.

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