Thursday, October 9, 2008


What is flood? I think everyone will know it already. Flood is a place filled or covered with water after a heavy rain. After five days or a week heavy raining day, some places will have flood.
What is the main cause? In my opinion, the main cause of flood occurs is human beings' activity. Some people are irresponsibility, they had throw the rubbish into the river or drain. So, it may cause the river and drain clogged up. Because of their habit, it makes trouble problems.
Besides that, flood also cause by unbalanced of construction. Development become more develop day by day and year by year. The system of current are not improve at all by government. When raining day, the water outflow from the river and drain. Then, flood occurs.
So, how we solve this problem? As a common people, we should love our country and try to keep our country clean. Besides that, government also have their responsibility to solve this problem such as take action to the irresponsibility's people who throw the rubbish into the drain or river.

Chan Siew Ching

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