Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is a main and large festival in Chinese's calendar. It is held on January and February based on the Chinese's calendar. In the festival, we have a lion dance which the animal is called 'nian'. At the long time ago, this 'nian' will come out when spring. It eat people so all people will scare it. At that time, people had found that crackers will chase away the 'nian'. So, nowadays Chinese's people will play crackers and lion dance during the festival.

Before first day Chinese New Year, we have a dinner with whole family which it is called 'tuan yuan fan'. The whole family will come back from their work and study for this dinner. If someone did not come back, there is no unmeaning to the 'tuan yuan fan'. That night when 12 o'clock, we will play crackers to welcome the Chinese New Year. There was a first day New Year which we called it 'nian chu yi'. We will wear our new and beautiful clothes and shoes. After that, adult will give the 'ang pow' to the children. For the first day, we cannot sweep the floor and throw the rubbish. It is because it will throw or chase away all the wealthy that we have.

After that, we will go to pray in temple or church. Then, we will visit to our friend and relatives' house. We need to say 'gong xi fa chai' or 'xin nian kuai le' to each others. In their house, they will serve us foods or drinks. Some old folk will bring their present to their relatives house which means respect to the owner. On that day, people prefer to wear their clothes red in colour. It means that lucky in that year which we called that 'hong yun dang tou'.

Next day, we also visit to others people's house until the end of the New Year that is fifteen. In the last day, we also have a festival that we called it 'Chap Goh Meh'. Parents also will cook and eat together with their family or go to the restaurant. There was many prohibition during the New Year which inherited from our ancestors long time ago.

Chan Siew Ching

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