Sunday, October 19, 2008

Book Review

Hi everyone !!Today I have read the one interesting book in the library. The book title is "Wrong Man". The story is about two man are in a hotel room. They aren't on holiday. They are killers. They want to kill the police commissioner. The police is the boss of the Australian Police. a person in the hotel knows one of man and writes a letter to the police. The suspec name of three men at the Uluru Hotel start with "M".They is Eric Monton, Micky Munro and William Montimer.

Steve and Sally find a letter on the floor. The letter said, "M" is a wrong man. The Mickey Munro's manager said Micky isn't a killer but perhaps Mickey knowns the killer. The man at the hotel isn't Dr. Monton. He has the same face, but he doesn't know Micky.The killer is Rock.

Wan Fadilah

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