Monday, September 15, 2008

where clauses and comparatives and superlatives

Question 3
1. In the summer many people go to the mountains, where we can climb and skiing.
2. In the centre of the city is the main square, where it is located with famous shopping complex there.
3. The National Stadium, where people love to watch sports, is located near the station.
4. Near the harbour there are many restaurants, where people love to eat there.
5. There is a river in the middle of a city, where it is located in Pahang.

Question 4

1. The total of population in Turkey is lower than in Russia and Germany.
2. The birth rate in Russia is lower than Turkey and Germany.
3. Russia is the highest population of these two countries.
4. Germany’s birth rate is a little higher than Turkey’s, but lower than Russia’s.
5. Turkey is the biggest population, over 1.8 million people.

Wan Liuza Iqlima Bt Wan Sharifuddin A 121772
Nurul Hasnida Bte Abdul Hadi A 122959

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