Friday, September 12, 2008

Stress of Study

The meaning of stress in Oxford Advanced Learner `s Dictionary is pressure or worry caused by problems in somebody’s life. Somebody views that, the stress is good for us to do our business, it is because proper stress can lead someone works well and force them to do so. But a lot of stress can lead someone be mad and crazy, it is because they cannot divide their stress in proper and always seen their work is a burden. To do so, they cannot run away and hander from the stress. Nowadays, the challenge of the world is increasing and rising to a higher levels, so that, we need to work hard to following the globalization especially education. The education should be changed to following the step of global, so the lesson of study for the universities` students also increased. For example, the units should be done by the business` student is 100 unit in early, but now the units are add to 120 unit, the discrepancy of the units is 20. It means the new student should study more than 20 units compare to their senior. So the division of times need to learn by the new students. If we can divide the times as well as possible, it can lead us to do well in our course without pressure of study. The sport also can lead our stress be decreased. In addition, sport can let our mind be smart and it can help us to memory in our study. Besides that, chatting with our family members also vital, it is because family is close with us and we never felt shy as we talk to them. To do so, the roof problem can be identified immediately.

I want conclude by saying that, the proper stress can help us doing better in our job. Furthermore, we can avoid it, if u tried to avoid it can let one felt down and the things have done can be easily go wrong when we under stress.

JIE SHENG A 123843

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